
Eleni Panteleou, Dietician, Nutrisionist, Mcs

I'm Eleni Panteleou, a dietician-nutrisionist with a Master's Degree focused upon stress management and health promotion. 

Having exprencienced myself the importance of the autoimmune disease, I can understand the significance of controlling inflammations & hormones in our body. 

If we can understand the needs of our biological system, by being patient, then we can form our habits appropriately so we can have a better quality of life. 

You can follow me on instagram for more advice and cooking recipes! 

 Nutritional Habits

Stress & Nutrition 

The food choices, the techinique & the frequency of our meals are directly related with our stress levels. 

Learn when you want to eat, not your stress!

Menstruation & Nutrition 

Our needs as women are different as they depend on the stage of our menstruation cycle. 

Learn to eat accordingly to your hormones!

Autoimmunes Disorders & Nutrition 

According to the ancient times, food is medicine. We find that food can help reduce the symptoms of autoimmunes disorders.  

Learn the nutritional protoccol which concerns the alimony of autoimmunes disorders

Inflammation & Nutrition 

On a daily basis, our body is bardened by harmful criteria that amplify the inflammation & create symptoms. 

Learn how to control & reduce the inflammation!

Scedule a session

The headquarters of Nutr.immune are located at Loutraki (Corinthia) where our weight measumerements and sessions are held.

Our face-to-face sessions are also held in Athens, specifically the area of Nea Erythrea.

Online sessions are available in Greece and other countries.


'Stress & nutrition'

I learn to eat my meal and not my stress.