Our sessions

Session Structure

My first session: 

- We determine the body compostion by the usage of the professional body-fat analyzer DC 360 by TANITA, who offers an excellent quality of dietician equipement. The body-fat analysis can show the exact weight, the fat percentage, the muscle mass (kg), the body hydration and the level of visceral fat. 

- How can I properly prepare ? 

1. My latest meal before the analysis has to be 3 to 4 hours earlier.  

2. No alcohol consumption in the last 12 hours.  

3. No excessive exercise in the last 12 hours (except my usual routine). 

- It is recommended to have recent lab-tests (Biochemical and blood tests, immunological tests and specific tests for autoimmune diseases) .  

- A full medical and nutritional history.

- Setting goals and specific nutritional needs. 

In the next session:

- Prepare for the session like it's the first,  in order to have the best possible exact analysis.  

- Body-fat analysis. 

- Re-examine the needs and planification of the next diet plan. 

Where to find Nutr.Immune

Offices (Loutraki)

The headquarters of Nutr.Immune are at Loutraki (Corinthia), 12 Panagias Giatrissas street. It's a full equipped office where the sessions and the analysis are realised. 

Offices (Athens)

You can find Nutr.Immune in Athens, area of Nea Erythraia. It's open for specific days every week. In the premises, we do our sessions and face-to-face body analysis.  


You can scedule an online session from anywhere in the world. We use apps that acommodate the client, for example Zoom, Skype, Whatsapp, Viber. 

The online session requires a digital trade scale (which we can help you find) and an Internet connection.  

Online book

Book your session in time. Your booking will be validated by en email.

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